The underwater world takes on a special new attraction at night. Most of the environments the diver explores by day can be explored by night. To the uninitiated, diving when people are normally at home getting ready to sleep may seem questionable. What (besides darkness) is there about diving at night that is so different than diving during the day? The underwater environment does not sleep at night. Instead the aquatic life changes shifts ; the day creatures retire and the night creatures come out.
Divers can approach many fish and other familiar creatures more easily at night than during the day. Often, these nocturnal animals remain motionless until startled by the actual touch of a diver. Some aquatic life acts differently or even changes color at night.
The night also brings out animals seldom seen during the day . Nocturnal animals, like lobster leave their daytime lairs searching for food under the cover of darkness.
At times bioluminescent microorganisms swirl about like submarine fireflies.
This is another great experience providing one with endless photographic opportunities.
Only group bookings on this one - Minimum of 6 divers